Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fabulous Food Trucks

We have entered an age of food trucks.

Throughout midtown, these fanciful wagons crank out some delectable and interesting treats. Froyo, fried chicken, báhm mi sandwiches, fresh juices, dumplings, crêpes, and outside of Random House this afternoon: lobster rolls!

Each truck is designed with logos or gizmos to attract attention. But the wonderful thing about them is their complete lack of pretentiousness. Unlike in a restaurant, or a Whole Foods, there's no atmosphere or culture to be created. One simply walks up to the window, places an order, and then finds an awkward place to stand on the sidewalk to enjoy their meal. I imagine a food truck would be a wonderful place to pick up a date.

My aunt offered me wisdom today. She is the wisest woman I know.
In grappling with my inability to distinguish between the appropriate time to full force pursue my desire, or hold back lest I be an irritating kiss-ass, my aunt had this to say:

To succeed in life, u need all 3.
Life skills to recognize opportunity
(not in any order)
Don't worry about nepotism

I foolishly view my life as some sort of clock. I criticize myself for being an inert spectator, watching others fulfill their dreams while I continually worry over some benign idea that I'm running out of time.

Time is not uncontrollably elapsing, it is merely unfolding as we await prime opportunities to arise. To put it in words that would resonate with a man, it's like crabbing; you lure the crab in with all your tricks; (your skills/education), which in this case are a slab of dead chicken, a piece of twine, and a bent metal hook.
Unlike fishing, the hunter hasn't won when prey bites. When the string runs taught, the crabbing game is just beginning. You must romance a crab into your net, seduce it to shore with small nibbles of mealy, raw chicken. Your netter, (contact!) is the person who helps you seal the deal.

So you see, life is like crabbing, you wade through muddy, bracken swamps that smell like sewage. Occasionally you fall into the shit. But when you find something you want --your prey-- you can seduce it in and reap the rewards.

Just make sure to share your bounty, because eating crab alone is not nearly as fun as it is with family. Especially if your Grandfather accidentally says, "pass the Oil of Olay," instead of "pass the old bay" (seasoning).

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