Sunday, June 27, 2010

I will be neglectful no longer.
Wisdom from my aunt, truly one of the wisest people I know:

"It takes work to build a life for oneself. This is true again and again in life. You are brave to be out on your own in a big city such as this."

3 short sentences with profound meaning.

I neglected my blog because I felt there was nothing worthy of writing. Suddenly, and rather unexpectedly, New York City became quite scary. Not dangerous scary - although it was terrifying that a man name Angel, muscles tattoos and all, broke into the apartment to deliver mail while I was in a bath towel - but expansive scary; endless. This weekend, I abruptly realized that I am on my own 'in a big city such as this.'

I cannot comprehend how, in a city with so many people, one can feel so alone. The past three days, I've taken to walking up and down Madison Ave, and I've found, rather ironically, that in being alone, I'm not alone. Unlike on my college campus, or even at home, in New York, many people walk alone, why is this?

My loneliness proved to be an illusion, broken quickly, as my aunt and uncle pulled up curbside in their Toyota Puis, cargo of 2 cousins in the back seat.
Although lonely fled just as quickly as it had come, I can't stop thinking about it. Before last nights outing, which included: the hockey store, Pavan's 1st grade yearbook, several quizzes of guess that president, sushi a tour of my uncles work, and a great amount of laughter, I don't think I was aware that loneliness was the culprit of my newfound fear.

I wonder what it is to be lonely, and how many people really are. It surprised me how quickly mine dissolved, and instead of leaving me where I had been before, the short company from last night has left me feeling even better.

I didn't mean for today's entry to manifest quite like this, but I'm interested that it has. Off I go to walk Madison Ave, alone, but no longer lonely.

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